Payment of Stipends
Stipends are payments made to employees for work performed outside of their regular duties.
The procedure for paying a stipend to an employee of the College varies depending on the employee's classification.
Payroll cannot make payments to students via stipend for services rendered. To comply with California overtime law (even if OT did not occur), we will need to employ students as hourly workers
Students may be eligble for expense reimbursement in some cases, but this cannot be for work performed in service of the College. Please contact Accounts Payable.
Payment of stipends to faculty is overseen by the Office of Academic Affairs. Please contact Faculty Affairs for policies and procedures relating to the payment of stipends to Saint Mary's faculty.
The Saint Mary's College Employee Policy Handbook provides complete, official details regarding the payment of stipends to employees of the College. It is ESSENTIAL that you and your department review Section and consult with Human Resources BEFORE submitting a stipend request for one of your employees.
Employee Policy Handbook, Section 7: Compensation
Stipend Requests can be submitted using the Compensation Request webform:
HR will work with the requestor to determine how the stipend should be configured and paid.